Tree Planting

We have planted a tree on behalf of the Vault of Ideas Website! What a great day!

There is an NGO in Brazil named Iniciativa Verde that does a superb work in protecting river streams and sources. It was established in 2005. Among its actions, you can plant individual trees, as many as you would feel necessary, in order to meet your carbon emissions. According to their website they compensated 129,251 tons of CO2 already. 

Here in the office we run just office business, gas and electricity, the occasional car trip for supplies, but we do spend an awful lot of paper sheets.

The trees are mainly to offset that. That way, we can rest on the thought that at least part of the work to leave this World a little better for our grandsons is being taken care of. 

This is a report from NGO Iniciativa Verde. The third columns reads "Trees Planted" : 1.


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