Discussion Page - Idea 72

#72: Net Zero Company

The logic in companies is usually you put some money, assume some risk, and this money comes back to you as profit margin. You only profit what the company doesn't incorporate to itself as reinvestiment (better equipment, increased capacity, personnel training and so on).

What if you had money and funded a company to explore a commercial activity, but you didn't ask for profit in return in the end. You could get a reasonable salary as director, but that is just it. One hundred percent of the profit would be reinvested into making the company grow ever larger.

Now, why would someone do that in the first place? Maybe you just have too much money coming from the regular companies, anyway. Maybe you place value on other things. Maybe you notice that some trade in particular just allowed profit hunger to win over providing fair costumer service.

In my vision, these companies would focus on excellency and efficiency. How can we give the most awesome product to our costumer? They could also have some environmental concern. We will first start mining oil, but in 20 years all our business will be about renewable energies.

In my ingenuity, I think regular companies couldn't possibly compete with someone who puts all the money back into the corporation. Granted there is a big if in applying the money properly. 

Personally, I think the World would be a much better place if all companies were Net-Zero.

BANNER IMAGE CREDITS: NASA, ESA and Allison Loll/Jeff Hester (Arizona State University). Acknowledgement: Davide De Martin (ESA/Hubble)