Discussion Page - Idea #29

#29: How to Get by Consuming Less

This is the idea for a practical book that focus on finding everyday things people can do to consume less, save the planet and incidently their money.

It focus on challenging our way of life and thinking: "Is this really necessary?", "Is there a better alternative to this?" It should target where the act of consume, so necessary, is most damaging. This means where the social or environmental impact is greater. 

It should always show how much the consumer is saving or spending by changing a habit.  Often, choosing the greener solution costs more. People could begin to question why do they need to replace their phones so often, for example. I know I'd waver if I saw a calculation telling how much I'd save by not doing so. Present the facts, let people make their own minds according to what is important to them.

As a suggestion, the possible measures should be ranked from the higher impact to lower impact, the ones with marginal gains. You may also choose to rank them by commitment from the reader, it would also be interesting. Rank it because, after all, sometimes you just don't go through the entire book. It goes without saying that should be backed by what the respectful scientific community has to say.

It is not a small undertaking. To sort through the tons of misinformation around would take a very rigorous Reseach. But it will be worthwhile. 

BANNER IMAGE CREDITS: NASA, ESA, and D. Gouliermis (University of Heidelberg). Acknowledgement: Luca Limatola. The image had oppacity reduced in 20%.