Discussion Page - Idea #28

#28: Fortification

This is a military idea. 

The idea it is to devise a scheme that would build a fortified building as quickly as possible. Optimize the materials and constructions blocks to have it operational as fast as possible. This would be a simple and practical fortification, that although wouldn't be designed for comfort, would be able to function as a command center. 

I thought about a pyramid like building, without top, where the constructions blocks would be layered sequentially, possibly by robots.  

The blocks would give it some ability to withstand assaults, and it would have the elevated top for visibility and advantage. It could be paired with Idea #25 (Structure Integrity) and become strong only when an assault is incoming. This would require a powerful mobile power source.

In terms of tactics, this idea is intended to solidify the presence in an advanced position.

BANNER IMAGE CREDITS: NASA, ESA, and D. Gouliermis (University of Heidelberg). Acknowledgement: Luca Limatola. The image had oppacity reduced in 20%.